
fluent unique counter plugin

Project maintained by aiming Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Fluent unique counter plugin

Build Status Gem Version

This plugin purpose is simple monitoring (countup only). This was referred from fluent-plugin-numeric-counter. Thanks! :)



Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'fluent-plugin-unique-counter'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install fluent-plugin-unique-counter

How to use

  type forward
  port 24224

<match test.api.*>
  type unique_counter
  tag count.up
  unique_key user_id
  unit minutes

<match count.up>
  type file
  path fluent/count-up.log
echo '{"user_id": 1000}' | fluent-cat test.api.uga
echo '{"user_id": 1000}' | fluent-cat test.api.uga
echo '{"user_id": 1000}' | fluent-cat test.api.uga
echo '{"user_id": 1002}' | fluent-cat test.api.uga
echo '{"user_id": 1002}' | fluent-cat test.api.uga
echo '{"user_id": 1003}' | fluent-cat test.api.uga
echo '{"user_id": 1003}' | fluent-cat test.api.uga
2013-10-21T22:07:08+09:00       count.up        {"unique_count":3}

config params


Apache License v2.0.


Copylight (c) 2013 Aiming Inc.

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